What are your special interests and talents?
If you can write:
- Write a blog post for our forum.
- Write a letter to the editor about the conditions of poverty and hunger and the need for action from our elected officials.
- Suggest written changes in our communications or website.
- Tweet.
- Write to a Congressperson, state representative, mayor, the president of the United States, local leader or world leader.
- Write a campaign commercial to convince the public to support candidates who want to end hunger and poverty. Send it to us. We’ll take a look.
- We like poetry. We’ll take a look at your poetry.
- Memes are good. (Well, they can be.)
We can’t promise we’ll use writings that you send to us. But, by sending us your writing you are agreeing that we can edit it and use it as we see fit. We are a non-profit, so your pride in seeing it published is the only pay you’ll receive.
If you can talk:
- Consider producing a video showing off your advocacy for the poor.
- Talk a legislator into supporting an important law. (We’ll help you identify the legislator and the law we need help with. We’ll give you a script if you need it.)
- Call friends and strangers to ask them to vote for a solid candidate.
If you can run:
Give it a go. Don’t take this lightly. We need solid candidates to stand up for those who can’t. Running for office is a huge sacrifice for you and your family but, for a chance to change the world . . . Think about it.
Look at our website and our emails. If you see a spot where you can help, jump in. Don’t wait for us to ask.
Your voice and your feet can effect change. Contact us from the contact us page and tell us what you would like to do or send us what you have created. Tell us your name and give us your contact info (Address, phone number, and email).