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Mission, Vision & Strategy

The Butterfly PAC is uniquely positioned in the fight to end hunger and poverty

We take your donations and then encourage and support candidates who are leading the effort to compassionately address the needs of poor and hungry people


The Butterfly PAC is committed to the eradication of poverty and hunger domestically and internationally through our collective work with legislators, organizers, and committed community leaders who are heeding God’s call to love our neighbors as ourselves.


The Butterfly PAC believes that when we lead with compassion and allow for God’s love to guide our work, we will alleviate the suffering of those around the world who have been left behind. Through our work with legislators and decision makers across the globe, we use our collective impact strategies to shift the hearts and minds of those in power and restore their faith in themselves, their communities, and their work.


Butterfly PAC will get candidates to commit to our vision. In return they will receive tangible campaign support.



ButterflyPAC is political, but it is not partisan. We support elected officials who fight hunger and poverty without regard to party.


ButterflyPAC is accountable to the public and our donors. Our financial statements will be public. Our donors must be willing to have their names made public.


Butterfly PAC, by law, cannot and does not coordinate its campaigns with any candidate, candidate’s committee, or political party. We consult with non-profits and charities that deal with poverty and hunger to understand their needs, however decisions made by Butterfly PAC are made solely by our board of advisers and management.


Butterfly PAC believes that a decision made by a diverse group of people will always be better than a decision made by the best of any one group of people. Diversity is not just a goal, it’s a necessity.


Hunger and poverty make us determined. Our response to that determination is to fix what is needed to end poverty and hunger. Butterfly PAC is committed to be a strong organization with good governance and awesome communications.

“When our beliefs come form a foundation of love and compassion, a just society will rise.” -Donna Maltz

More ways for you to flap your wings
to fight poverty and Hunger